The Queen and I have THIS in common…

Reading about the Queen’s hugely impressive achievements over the years, it’s notable how much she means so much to so many people…

For her family, she’s a beloved matriarch – mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

She plays a similar role for the British people, as “Mother of the nation.”

She’s also head of the Commonwealth…

…But the role which I admire most is as Chair of Britain PLC.

This involves staying up-to-date with government business through her famous Red Boxes, which contain papers from ministers and from governments throughout the commonwealth. These are delivered to her private residence – wherever she is – and constitute a large part of her work.

Then every week, almost without exception, the Queen meets with the Prime Minister of the day.

She offers a sympathetic ear and a chance to talk about the government’s priorities and difficulties completely confidentially. Then, she offers insights based on decades of experience in her role and similar conversations with more than a dozen previous PMs.

All this work is largely hidden from the public. But I have no doubt that it is hugely important.

You see, every business of a certain size has someone in a similar role…

For larger companies, it’s the Board of Directors, whose job it is (partially) to understand the company’s market, its opportunities and threats, the internal challenges and leadership issues…

…And to offer strategic insights and advice to the leadership team, who actually make the decisions.

Not only are they trusted advisors, but they offer continuity as the leadership changes.

Sound familiar?

Smaller companies don’t necessarily have a Board of Directors. But you still need someone in that role!

It’s often taken up by a business coach or mentor, who acts as a sounding board for the company founder and shares all the lessons they’ve learned during their own entrepreneurial journey.

And I find that we play that role for many of our clients too…

After all, as Finance Directors, it’s our job to make sure that the companies we help are in the best possible financial position. And that’s *never* just about adding up numbers…

It’s about helping company founders or CEOs pursue the right strategies for growth, invest in the right places, protect themselves from threats and structure the company the right way…

You can’t really separate good financial management and business strategy. They go hand-in-hand.

As long-time finance directors, we also have experience helping dozens of companies of similar size grow. Whatever our clients face, we can always ask the right questions, bring new perspectives to the table and challenge their thinking – because we’ve almost always seen it all before.

We’re dedicated to their success and work closely with the company’s leader, to support them and help them make decisions with complete confidence.

Far be it from me to compare myself to Her Majesty the Queen (!) but we do have something very small in common. We are both trusted advisors to the leaders we work with.

Now, I’m fairly certain that after my team read this email, I’m never going to hear the end of that cheeky last paragraph.

But there is a serious point here.

Even prime ministers need a “Chairman of the Board” type to confide to and consult with.

Athletes and performers do too – that’s why they work with coaches to improve their performance. I also have my own mentor, who I’ve worked closely with for nearly a decade.

Who do you turn to, when you need an equal (not an employee) to bounce your ideas off and to enrich your thinking?

If you’re not quite sure but it sounds like something you could use, please get in touch with me today.

Simply ‘reply’ to this blog or call us on 01279 647 447 to set up a time to chat about your business and your needs.

We’re finance directors, NOT business coaches. But like I said, the two are intertwined.

And while I can’t promise corgis, cucumber sandwiches or red boxes, I can promise to work tirelessly on your behalf.


Garry Windsor Mumford

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The financial side of your business can’t be the only part of your business that professionalises.
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