Is your comfort zone destroying your business?

Many years ago, I watched a business training video which has stayed with me ever since.

Its opening shot showed the owner of a company which manufactured shopping trolleys, sitting at his desk.

He was fiddling with the wheels of a model shopping trolley.

Meanwhile, the video graphics showed flames engulfing the walls around him.

He was literally fiddling as Rome – or in this case, his business – burned. You see, the business was in deep financial trouble.

And the CEO should have been able to see the company collapsing around him, and should have taken responsibility.

But this business owner preferred not to see.

He was an engineer by training, and so he preferred to focus his attention on the parts of the business that he understood – the design – instead of focusing on the financial health of his company, which he didn’t.

He was in deep denial.

What he was going through was not uncommon.

Many business owners are passionate about their product or service.

You set up your business because you love delivering it. And you are in full command of its features, its benefits, and how to sell those benefits to their prospects.

You didn’t set up your business to deal with payroll, cash flow, and financial forecasts.

It’s not what interests you.

And it’s possible that the numbers might even be completely outside your comfort zone.

So if your business experiences growing pains….

Or even when you are growing very nicely, and need to start making more sophisticated financial decisions about your company’s future….

It can be tempting to ignore the financial side of your business, and just focus on the parts of your business you are more comfortable with.

The problem is that as stressful as it is to deal with your finances, ignoring them is even worse.

Remember that gnawing feeling on weekends when you were a kid?

That feeling you’d get when you knew you had a load of homework due on Monday morning, but you’d put it off to hang out with your friends?

Even as you were out enjoying yourself, there was still a clawing, guilty squirm in the pit of your stomach.

It ruined everything.

The difference now is, it’s not your A-Level results that’s at stake.

Your company weighs in the balance.

Your livelihood is at risk. And so is the livelihood of everyone who works for you.

No matter what your financial situation is, as the business owner, you must understand your finances inside out.

It is the only way to be able to make solid decisions about your business’s future.

And it is the only way to be able to anticipate problems, and nip them in the bud.

If that is something you would like help with, get in touch with me today.

We handle your business’s finances on your behalf – running payroll, making payments, doing your taxes, and setting up systems and processes to help your finances run completely smoothly.

But we also help you, the CEO, develop a deep understanding of your company’s financial situation.

We work with you personally, to make sure you can see exactly how much money you have in your business accounts at any given moment – and know what to expect over the next few days, weeks and months as well.

We help you see which parts of your business are profitable, and which are not. We help you plan ahead financially, so you know how much you have to spend and where best to spend it.

And we use all the financial information we generate to help you make better business decisions.

The awful crushing guilt you experience, when you ignore your finances, will wash away. You’ll be in full control of your finances, maybe for the first time ever.

And with our team managing the day-to-day financial operations on your behalf, you can get back to doing what you do best and enjoy most – delivering your service, managing your staff and growing your company.

Just hit ‘reply’ and let’s talk about how to make that happen for you.

Garbage in, garbage out

The financial side of your business can’t be the only part of your business that professionalises.
All parts of your business really need to grow up together, in order to create a more profitable organisation that is ready for its next stage of growth.

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